There is a limited opportunity for companies to sponsor the monthly meetings of the CalChiro San Diego District. Sponsoring meetings gives your company the chance to reach the 1000+ chiropractors who practice in San Diego County and to personally interact with the most active members of the district. 

Platinum Sponsorship - $600 per meeting

  1. 5 minute Power Point presentation to attendees. If a meeting is canceled due to state or county Covid restrictions then sponsors payments will be reimbursed.
  2. Company logo featured on email and social media promotions for meeting
  3. Company logo/link on meeting registration web page
  4. Company logo/link on district meeting blog page for one year after meeting
  5. Your business will be the exclusive business in your category for the meeting month that you sponsor
  6. Join us for dinner (2 company attendees included)*
  7. Distribute marketing materials/samples to all attendees*
  8. One on one contact with doctors attending meeting*
  9. The opportunity to collect attendee information*
  10. Invitations to our District mixers*
  11. *We cannot share attendee contact information, but you can gather this information at our meeting

 Gold Sponsorship - $500 per meeting

  1. 2 minute presentation to attendees. If a meeting is canceled due to state or county Covid restrictions then sponsors payments will be reimbursed
  2. Company logo at bottom of email and social media promotions for meeting
  3. Company logo/link on meeting registration web page
  4. Company logo/link on district meeting blog page for one year after meeting
  5. Your business will be the exclusive business in your category for the meeting months you sponsor
  6. Join us for dinner (2 company attendees included)*
  7. Distribute marketing materials/samples to all attendees*
  8. One on one contact with doctors attending meeting*
  9. The opportunity to collect attendee information*
  10. Invitations to our District mixers*
  11. *We cannot share attendee contact information, but you can gather this information at our meeting

Ÿ Sponsors will be listed on our website registration page for the upcoming meeting.  

Ÿ Sponsors choosing to prepay for multiple consecutive meetings will be listed on the registration page for the entire block of time prior to those meetings.

Ÿ We offer a discount to sponsors who want to prepay for the whole series (12 meetings), or for six months of the series/year.  You can mix different levels of sponsorship for this discount.

Notes on how to best reach chiropractors in San Diego County:

We suggest you plan on attending a minimum of a four meetings a year.  This gives our doctors a chance to become familiar with you and build a relationship.   Our most successful sponsors come every month. 

Prepaying for multiple meetings secures your business category at the level of sponsorship that you prefer. 

Please remember that volunteers run this district and will add your business information to the promotions as soon as possible after receiving your payment.  Sponsorships are secured when we receive payment.

To discuss this opportunity, please contact:

Dr, Brook Sheehan